General Information
Adobe initiated the move to a named-user licensing model. Under the provisions of this model, all employees will access the Adobe Creative Cloud products in a new way. If you only use Adobe for opening/printing PDF documents, or filling out or highlighting PDF forms, then you do not need to purchase a named-user license. The ability to save some file types such as PDF (i.e. Word, Excel) is also still available without the named-user license. If you use Adobe for work outside these parameters, or if you are unsure, contact your departmental or faculty Business Manager to request or inquire about a named-user license. This Quick Reference Guide will explain how to continue to use PDF documents without a Creative Cloud account.
Note: Adobe Reader will continue to be installed on Humber computers. The option to Save As a PDF is also still available.
Adobe Reader – Open and Print
Opening with Adobe Reader
If your computer has recently been reimaged, you may encounter this window.
- Simply highlight Adobe Reader DC.
- To ensure your computer remembers, make sure you check the box that says “Always use the app to open .pdf files”.
- Click OK.
Otherwise, go to the Start Menu and click on Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and navigate to the PDF document you wish to open.
Printing with Adobe Reader
You have a variety of ways to send a PDF document to print.
- Use the Print icon embedded in the Adobe toolbar.
- Navigate to the File, then Print.
- The shortcut command Control + P is another way of printing.
All three of these methods will open the Print Dialogue window and allow you to send the document to print on one of your installed network printers.
Other Browsers – Open and Print
Opening with Chrome or Microsoft Edge
- Right-click on the PDF document you wish to open and select Open With and then choose the browser you wish to use.
Note: Firefox will open a PDF but currently does not support filling in forms.
- You can set a browser to your preferred program to open PDF documents by selecting Choose another app instead of a browser, and then put a checkbox in the box for your computer to remember your preference.
Create or Save As
You have a variety of ways to convert a file to a PDF document.
- Click on the File in the toolbar menu.
- Either use Save As or Save as Adobe PDF.
- Navigate to where you want the file to be saved, and in the drop-down field, choose Save as PDF.
Adobe on Mac
Opening and Printing with Adobe
- Launch Adobe Reader installed on your computer
- Select File, then Open
- Navigate to the PDF document
- Use the Print icon on the toolbar to print
Opening and Printing with Safari
- Launch an instance of Safari
- Select File, then Open
- Navigate to the PDF document
- Use File, then Print to print
Opening and Printing with Preview
If you do not have Adobe Reader installed on your Mac, you can still use Preview by:
- Double-click on the PDF document you wish to open
Alternatively, you can also:
- Open Preview
- Choose File, then Open
- Locate and select the PDF you want to open
Filling Out Forms
You can fill out and print a form in all ways discussed on this Quick Reference Guide except for on a Mac with Preview. If you need to fill out a form on a Mac, use either Adobe Reader if it is installed, or use Safari, as Preview, as the name implies, will only allow you to view or print the document.