myApps Apps Anywhere

MyApps is an application catalog (AppsAnywhere) that simply allows users to access applications whether they are in an on-campus lab or working anywhere on their own device. Access to applications may be limited by licensing agreements or technical requirements. While some applications can be streamed directly to your own device, others may need to be accessed with AppStream or in our labs. You can access applications from many devices but may be restricted by resolution sizes. For AppStream, a modern web browser that supports HTML5 is needed (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge). An internet connection with at least 2 MBPS download is also recommended as the minimum for the best performance. MyApps is your one spot to find how to access your academic applications.

Getting Started

Navigate to to view all available applications.

  1. Click on Microsoft 365 and log in with your Humber credentials. It is the same username and password you use to access MyHumber and Blackboard and is in the format ‘’. After you enter your credentials, click Sign in.
Humber sign in screen
  1. If this is your first time accessing AppsAnywhere on the device you are working on, you will need to click the blue button that states, “It’s my first time using AppsAnywhere on this device. Let’s go.”
AppsAnywhere welcome screen
  1. A file will be downloaded, usually to your Downloads folder. Simply follow the instructions to install the
Download confirmation screen
  1. Once the software has been successfully installed, the menu of all the available apps will appear in alphabetical order.
App dashboard
  1. To launch an app, simply hover over it and click Launch.
Launch button

You can click on the More Info button to see more information as well. This is where you will find additional notes about the application. Most of the apps will just indicate if the app is available in AppStream and provide a link back to the *AppStream* launcher. But others will include information about how the app may be configured. This will also give the user info about any restrictions. This may be useful for apps that are listed as 'Unavailable'.

You can launch the app from this area too.

App Details Screen
  1. You can quickly search for an app by typing the app name in the Search Apps area located on the topright corner of the page (typing ‘s’ will bring you directly to the search dialog).
Search bar

Cloudpaging Player

The Cloudpaging Player is a useful tool that shows the apps you currently have streamed to your device and their current status. The window launches when you start a cloudpaged app, but you can also launch it from the taskbar. You can also remove apps from this area too.

Task bar icon
Cloudpaging player

Additional Features and Help

You can change how you view the apps in the Preferences area, by clicking on the chevron located beside your avatar in the top-right corner of the page. You can also use the in-house help to take a tour of AppsAnywhere.

In house help menu
Target Audience

Help & Support

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.

Reach out on Web Chat using the Chat Now button. 

Campus Locations: To see all campus locations, please visit the Contact page.

Phone: 416-822-8888