

Local participants in the eduroam program include: Brock University, Carleton University, Conestoga College, Durham College, Fanshawe College, Georgian College, Lakehead University, Laurentian University, McMaster University, McGill University, Niagara College, Nipissing University, Queens University, Ryerson University, Sheridan College, University of Guelph, University of Ottawa, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, University of Western Ontario, University of Windsor, Wilfred Laurier University, and York University.

Where Else Can I eduroam?

  1. Launch a browser and navigate to the site.
  2. Click on Where Can I eduroam? in the site’s About menu.
  3. Click the link below the map of the world.
  4. Use the interactive map to find participating institutions. 

Please Note: There are now over 220 institutions in Canada participating in eduroam.


You must meet certain criteria to successfully use eduroam. You must…

  1. Be an active Humber or University of Guelph-Humber student or employee.
  2. Know your Humber or University of Guelph-Humberusername and password.
  3. Your password at Humber or University of Guelph-Humber must not be expired.
  4. Wireless services on your appliance must be enabled. 

IMPORTANT: As with all technical services, use of eduroam by Humber or University of Guelph-Humber students and employees is governed by the Acceptable Use Policy. Please contact the I.T. Support Centre for more information.

Logging In

Log into eduroam using your institutional username and password. 

IMPORTANT: Your username is “” or ‘” tacked to the end. (ex. or

Using the Installer

Eduroam has created a new tool for clients to use to get connected. 

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click on the button Click here to download your eduroam installer.
  3. Select Humber College or University of Guelph-Humber, as applicable to your status.
  4. Click the button to download the installer and follow your device specific instructions.


Target Audience

Help & Support

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.

Reach out on Web Chat using the Chat Now button. 

Campus Locations: To see all campus locations, please visit the Contact page.

Phone: 416-822-8888