ITS Security

We understand that working from home is new to many of us and this sudden change can be overwhelming. As we adjust to our new work environments and form new habits, it is important that we continue to strive to work as securely as possible. To support you in your new surroundings, we would like to share some simple tips/advice to help you remain secure.

  • Be wary and do not click on links or attachments in unsolicited or suspicious emails.
  • As your colleagues are no longer next to you, always call and verify any request to share confidential data or transfer funds even if received from their official Humber E-mail.
  • Do not share your Humber College supplied devices or passwords with anyone.

Stop Look Think

Don’t be fooled

Target Audience

Help & Support

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.

Reach out on Web Chat using the Chat Now button. 

Campus Locations: To see all campus locations, please visit the Contact page.

Phone: 416-822-8888