You can send a meeting request to one or more people and track who accepts the request. Did you know you can schedule recurring appointments? Click the Recurrence button on the Meeting tab. Choose a recurrence Pattern (weekly, monthly, etc.) and Range. Click the OK button to update the invite.
Schedule a Meeting in Outlook
- Click on New Appointment in the calendar’s Home tab.
- Key in the booking’s Subject, Start Time, and End Time.
- Click the Scheduling Assistant button on the Event tab.
- Key in the list of attendees for the booking.
- Select a meeting Location by clicking the Add Rooms button.
- Click the Send button to schedule the meeting.
Share a Calendar in Microsoft 365
- Open the calendar and click the New button.
- Key in the booking’s Subject, Start Time, and End Time.
- Select the Location field and click Add Room to select a space.
- Key in the list of attendees for the booking.
- Click the Save button to schedule the meeting.
Tip: Clicking on Scheduling Assistant on the Event tab in Outlook helps you find a time when both a room and the required attendees are available.