You can share calendar information with other people both inside and outside the organization. Did you know you can send people a snapshot of a calendar? Select a calendar in Outlook, click E-mail Calendar, select a Date Range, key in a list of recipients, and click the Send button.
Share a Calendar in Outlook
- Open the calendar in Outlook you would like to share.
- Click the Share Calendar button on the Home tab.
- Type in the recipient names or e-mail addresses.
- Select the level of calendar details you would like to share.
- Click the Send button to send the invite.
Share a Calendar in Microsoft 365
- Open the calendar in Microsoft 365 you would like to share.
- Click the Share button (upper right-hand corner).
- Type in the recipient names or e-mail addresses.
- Select the level of calendar details you would like to share.
- Click the Share button to send the invite.
Tip: Click the Calendar Permissions button in Outlook (right-click on the calendar’s name in Microsoft 365 and select Permissions) to edit sharing settings.