Wireless Screen Sharing

What is Wireless Screen Sharing?

Wireless screen sharing allows showing the contents from your phone, tablet, or laptop screen on another larger display (monitor or projector) without any cables. This means no special connectors or dongles are needed, and you can present using any device. With our WAVPODs (Wireless Audio Video Pods) multiple people can connect and screen share at the same time for more ways to collaborate.

Accessing Wireless Screen Sharing

Most classrooms, some study spaces, and even some digital signage monitors are equipped with a WAVPOD device that is capable of wireless screen sharing. In the classroom this option can be selected by choosing ‘Guest Device’ on the control touch panel. For study spaces select the ‘Laptop’ or ‘A2‘ icon button. 

Icons to Select

For compatible digital signage displays playing HTV, look out for a black bar across the bottom with an IP Address and 4-digit Screen Key pass-code.

These displays are around campus and are free for staff or students to use anytime to display their content on the big screen. When you are done sharing content and disconnect, the display will resume playing HumberTV content.

IP address and Pin Screen

Compatible Devices

Almost any mobile device with Wi-Fi and web browsing will work. If your device is not listed, try using ‘Other’.

DeviceExampleUsing Build-in SharingUsing AppRequirements
iOSApple iPhones, iPads,
and iPods
AirPlay* Mersive Solstice AppiOS versions
13, and up
MacOSMacBook, MacBook
Air, and MacBook Pro
AirPlay* Mersive Solstice ClientmacOS Catalina, Big
AndroidGoogle, Samsung,
Sony, LG, Huawei,
OnePlus, and more
phones and tablets
MiraCastMersive Solstice App*Android versions
10, and up
WindowsMicrosoft laptops and
Surface tablets
MiraCastMersive Solstice Client*Windows 8, 10,
Windows Server
2016, 2019
Windows Hardware
OtherChromebook and LinuxWeb Browser*
(Chrome, Firefox)

*= recommended

Built-In Sharing vs the App

Built-In Sharing FeaturesApp Features
  • Screen mirroring (share entire screen)
  • Some specific apps have built-in
    AirPlay, Casting, or Sharing that can
    also be used
  • Screen mirroring (share entire screen)
  • Screen sharing (laptops can choose to share
    specific applications or windows)
  • Share specific media files
  • Content layout control
  • Annotation and pointers (using Solstice Ink)
  • Moderator control (allow or prevent other users
    from connecting, or disconnect them)

Getting Started – On Screen Instructions

Wi-Fi must be connected to eduroam using username@humber.ca.

Present by connecting the HDMI cable or wirelessly using these instructions:

  1. In your web browser go to: → http://[CAMPUS LETTER]-[BUILDING AND ROOM NUMBER]-WAVPOD
  2. Click the "Join" button to install Solstice.
  3. Launch the app and follow its instructions.
  4. Use Screen Key [4-digit number] to connect.

Note: Apple, Android, or Windows users can also directly Air-play or Miracast to: → http://[CAMPUS LETTER]-[BUILDING AND ROOM NUMBER]-WAVPOD

Additional Details

  • You cannot use the Guest Wi-Fi network. Only eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless
  • These instructions work for any compatible device for time users. Once the app is downloaded, only steps 3&4 are needed.
  • A browser takes you anywhere on the internet (Safari, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc.).
  • North Campus Letter is N, Lakeshore Campus Letter is L.
  • An example of an HTTP Host-name URL for North Campus, building H, room 235: http://N-H235-WAVPOD
  • For Humber Downtown no campus letter is required in the http host-name URL, e.g. http://IGS401-WAVPOD).
  • Alternatively, the IP address (seen at the top of the screen consisting of 4 sets of numbers starting with 10.116) can also be used instead of the http Host-name URL.
  • The Join button should automatically detect your device and either download the correct application (for laptops) or send you to your App Store to download the Mersive Solstice App for your device (phones and tablets). The app is free.
  • If the app is already downloaded, it will automatically open. If it has to download for the first time, you may have to repeat steps 1&2 or just open the newly installed app directly.
  • The 4-digit pass-code will enlarge while trying to connect. You can also find it underneath the room name or on the bottom footer next to the IP address.
  •  Multiple users can connect and share at the same time. Even users connecting with HDMI can join the screen with users connecting wirelessly.

Getting Started – iOS Using AirPlay (Recommended)

Connect to the Humber Wi-Fi network (eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless).

  1. Ensure Bluetooth is on.
  2. Open Control Center:
    1. On iPhone X or later or iPad with iPad OS 13 or later: Swipe down from the upper-right corner of the
    2. On iPhone 8 or earlier or iOS 11 or earlier: Swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen.
  3. Tap Screen Mirroring.
  4. Select the desired room WAVPOD from the list.
  5. Enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen.

Getting Started – iOS Using the App

  1. Connect to the Humber Wi-Fi network (eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless).
  2. Download and open the app.
  3. Enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen in the ‘Quick Connect’ bar, or select the desired room WAVPOD from the list,and enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen.

*To Screen Mirror, follow Steps 3-6 from ‘Getting Started – iOS Using AirPlay’

Getting Started – macOS Using AirPlay (Recommended)

  1. Connect to the Humber Wi-Fi network (eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless). Ensure Bluetooth is on.
  2. Click on the AirPlay icon in the corner menu bar.
  3. Select the desired room WAVPOD from the list.
  4. Enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen.

Getting Started – macOS Using the App

  1. Connect to the Humber Wi-Fi network (eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless).
  2. Download and open the app.
  3. Enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen in the ‘Quick Connect’ bar, or select the desired room WAVPOD from the list and enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen.

NOTE: Getting a black screen? Check your Mac privacy settings. Open the Apple menu, then choose System Preferences. From there, click Security & Privacy, then open the Privacy tab. Here you can see all the permission categories. Click on any of the entries on the left side to see which apps have requested and been given permission. You may need to modify Screen Recording and Microphone permissions to allow the Solstice App and related items. Check that the Solstice App has been approved by selecting the checkbox “App Store and identified developers”. You may have to “click the lock” and enter your credentials to make these changes. Your Mac may also need to restart after applying these settings.

Getting Started – Android Using Miracast

  1. Connect to the Humber Wi-Fi network (eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless).
  2. Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Notification Panel.
  3. Select the toggle that says, ‘Screen Sharing’, ‘Wireless Projection’, ‘Miracast’, ‘Smart View’, ‘Screen Cast’ or something along that (you may need to expand the Notification Panel to view more options).
  4. Select the desired room WAVPOD from the list.
  5. Enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen.

Getting Started – Android Using the App (Recommended)

  1. Connect to the Humber Wi-Fi network (eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless).
  2. Download and open the app.
  3. Enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen in the ‘Quick Connect’ bar, or select the desired room WAVPOD from the list and enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen.

Getting Started – Windows Using Connect (Miracast)

  1. Connect to the Humber Wi-Fi network (eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless).
  2. Press Windows key + K to open the ‘Connect’ menu.
  3. Select the desired room WAVPOD from the list.
  4. Enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen.

Getting Started – Windows Using the App (Recommended)

  1. Connect to the Humber Wi-Fi network (eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless).
  2. Download and open the app.
  3. Enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen in the ‘Quick Connect’ bar, or select the desired room WAVPOD from the list and enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen.

Getting Started – Other Devices

  1. Connect to the Humber Wi-Fi network (eduroam or Infrastructure Domain Wireless).
  2. Open a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and enter the IP address on screen. The IP address will be 4 sets of numbers starting with 10.116. You can also use the host-name, which will be:
  3. Click on the ‘Launch in Browser’ button.
  4. Enter the 4-digit pass-code that appears on the screen and enter your name.
  5. Click on ‘Launch’.
  6. Select what you want to mirror and select ‘Share’.
Target Audience

Help & Support

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.

Reach out on Web Chat using the Chat Now button. 

Campus Locations: To see all campus locations, please visit the Contact page.

Phone: 416-822-8888